0 to 1 Marketing for Breakout Brands

Hi I'm Dave.

I'm a fractional CMO and brand design consultant for "0 to 1" stage startups and innovation teams at established companies. I specialize in new product launches, and rebrands/relaunches of existing products that need a refresh to move to the next level. I help teams make strategic marketing decisions in branding, category design, positioning, differentiation, value props, and messaging, setting companies up to win their chosen market space.

Who am I a good fit for?

I have deep experience in healthcare and medical devices, but can assist any pre-launch/early stage company, as the underlying principles I use are broadly applicable. Some situations I fit well in:

  • You are preparing to launch a new product, and want to make sure it launches as effectively as possible.
  • Your product has launched but is under performing.
  • Customers are visiting but don’t see the compelling value in what you offer.
  • Sales teams are struggling to articulate your product strengths vs alternatives.
  • You've outgrown your initial branding and need to rebrand/reposition to expand your marketshare.
  • You do not have budget for a full time senior marketer, but could use senior level guidance and expertise.

What are my qualifications?

I have over 20 years of experience marketing a variety of innovative products, ranging from $0 at launch to over $2 billion dollars in global revenue. I’ve worked at Silicon Valley startups and Fortune 100 corporations, and have developed an innovation launch framework through years of real-world use. My work has resulted in multiple $100M dollar products sold in over 150 countries, one IPO, and three company acquisitions for $244M, $600M, and $5.3B.

Read more about me or follow me on Linkedin.

How do we work together?

Let’s have a chat to discuss your needs, and we'll build a flexible, cost-effective engagement plan together to meet your needs.

Let's get started! Contact me here.